Frequently Asked Questions

We suggest you arrive 5-10 minutes early to allow adequate time for you to fill out any paperwork, use the restroom and get settled in, so that you can enjoy the full benefits of your massage therapy appointment. When you arrive, you will be asked to fill out health history and consent forms. Health history is gathered to help your massage therapist gain a better understanding of your current health status and to determine your treatment goals. Before, during and after your treatment, you will have an opportunity to ask any questions and address any concerns with your massage therapist.

We know life happens but please keep in mind that your appointment time has been reserved for you in advance. We ask that you arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. If you arrive late, your treatment may be shortened in order to accommodate other appointments that follow yours and the full-service fee will be charged. We will do our best to give you your full treatment, but we cannot guarantee the full time if you arrive late. If you do not show up for an appointment, we will not have adequate time to fill the missed appointment and as a result, you may be charged the full-service fee

We ask that you provide 24 hours notice to change, cancel or reschedule an appointment. This policy is in place to allow sufficient time for your massage therapist to offer your scheduled appointment time to another client. We try our best to respect your time and kindly ask that you respect ours and that of other clients who may be waiting for an appointment. We know life happens and depending on your individual circumstances, you may be charged the full-service fee where appropriate notice is not given.  

Massage therapy may be applied over the clothing or skin to skin depending on your comfort level. Skin to skin application is the most common and allows for easier manipulation of the tissues. However, if you prefer over the clothing massage therapy application, we are able to accommodate you and are still able to provide you with an effective treatment. Prior to your treatment, you will have an opportunity to address this and any other concerns with your massage therapist and together,  you will establish which method of application you feel most comfortable with. During your treatment, your massage therapist will keep you securely draped and will only uncover the area that they are treating.  

No. This is your time and you do not have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing. Many clients feel that they have to talk to their massage therapist during their treatment, especially if it’s their first massage, but this is not expected. If you engage in conversation, your massage therapist will follow your lead. If you chose to be silent, this will be respected as well. Your massage therapist wants to give you the most effective treatment possible, so it is important that you let them know if there is anything that they can do to improve your therapeutic experience. 

Your massage therapist is a trained professional who will work within your pain tolerance to reach your desired treatment goals. During your treatment you may feel slight muscle tenderness, tingling, or referred pain. These may differ between individuals and can also depend on the type of massage therapy techniques being applied. Your massage therapist will check in periodically to make sure that you are comfortable but it is important that you let them know if you are experiencing any pain or feeling uncomfortable and if so, the treatment can be stopped at any time 

Immediately following your treatment, you will experience a sense of calmness and deep relaxation. Although it is perfectly fine to exercise after your treatment we suggest rest, a hot bath and/or increasing your water intake to help with any side effects you may experience. Some side effects may include muscle soreness, light headedness, dizziness, congestion, bruising, spasm. Should any of the following occur they may last 2-3 days. Feel free to contact your massage therapist if you have any questions or concerns following your treatment.

Every plan is different, but most plans will cover either a specific amount per visit/year or a percentage of the fee. Be sure to check your policy to confirm which applies to you. 

You do not need a referral to see a Registered Massage Therapist. However, a referral is sometimes required by your insurance provider in order for you to be reimbursed for the treatment. Be sure to check your policy to see if a referral is needed. 

At this time, we do not offer direct billing. Your massage therapist will provide you with a receipt which you can then submit to your insurance provider. Accepted forms of payment include visa, mastercard, debit, cash or etransfer.